
Announcing the appointment of the new Editor-in-Chief of EPL

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Richard Blythe as EPL’s Editor-in-Chief, starting on 1 May 2024. Professor Blythe holds a personal chair in complex systems at the University of Edinburgh, UK.


Ten years of the digital twin brain: Perspectives and challenges

Over the past decade, the digital twin brain (DTB) has emerged as a transformative brain science paradigm, integrating multimodal data to construct dynamic models closely simulating biological brain function...

Editor's Choices

Dynamical homogenization in effective loop quantum cosmology

The effective dynamics of loop quantum gravity for marginally bound Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi spacetimes predict that the big-bang singularity is resolved and replaced by a cosmic bounce...

The Editor-in-Chief and the Deputy Editors team

Members of EPL’s Deputy Editors Board provide additional expertise when necessary to the Co-Editors and the Editor-in-Chief, and can act as adjudicators in the refereeing process.

European Physical Society

6, rue des Frères Lumière

68200 Mulhouse


tel: +33 389 32 94 44

fax: +33 389 32 94 49

Non-profit, community owned

Impact factor: 1.8

Submission to publication: 73 days

Copyright© 2025 – EPL Association

Non-profit, community owned

Impact factor: 1.8

Submission to publication: 73 days

European Physical Society

6, rue des Frères Lumière

68200 Mulhouse


tel: +33 389 32 94 44

fax: +33 389 32 94 49

Copyright© 2025 – EPL Association