Open Access

EPL open access opportunities


In order to keep abreast with the rapidly changing landscape of copyright and licencing regulations EPL has made amendments to its copyright policy.

Those articles published in EPL through payment of a fee under the gold (hybrid) open access scheme now allow authors and third parties to use the published article as described in the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported licence. These rights allow users to copy, distribute and display the published version of the article and create derivative works, subject to appropriate attribution. Authors of Gold Open Access articles retain the copyright of their article.

All other articles published in EPL follow a green open access policy allowing authors to use all or part of the article in personal compilations or other publications of the authors’ own works, including the authors’ personal home pages, and to make copies of all or part of the article for the authors’ use for lecture or classroom purposes. After an embargo period of 12 months from the date of first publication, authors may then include the accepted manuscript (all or part), as long as files prepared and/or formatted by EPLA are not used, (a) on websites of the institution (including its repository) where the authors worked when research for the article was carried out; (b) on third-party websites, including e-print servers, but not on other publisher’s websites.

In addition, authors still retain all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights and, to the extent that there are moral rights in the article, the authors expressly reserve and assert their moral rights to be identified as authors of the article.

Details on the IOP Publishing open access policy can be found on the appropriate IOPscience web page here.




EPL continues to provide authors with an option of publishing articles in open access, if a single-article fee is paid prior to publication. For current open access publication fee, please click here. The Open Access option is offered on submission of an article to the Editorial Office.

How to pay? The authors are invited to tick the Open Access box at submission stage. On acceptance of the article for publication, an invoice will be generated which will require prompt payment. Payment must be received in advance before the article is published in open access. If the manuscript is already published, you should send your request to the Editorial Office at

All submitted articles will still be subject to rigorous peer review to maintain the high standard of articles published in EPL. Authors will benefit from expert advice by the members of the Editorial Board and enjoy rapid publication in addition to open access, where applicable. Exceptional articles may be fast-tracked through production to online publication. 


Transformative agreements 

From 2021 onwards EPL is included in IOPP’s transformative open access agreements. IOPP has reached agreements with a number of institutions, funders and consortia to manage the cost of article publication charges (APCs) for open access publishing. Such agreements enable authors to publish on an open access basis at no cost to themselves. Eligibility to transformative agreements is on the basis of the institution of the corresponding authors, and detection is automatic.

European Physical Society

6, rue des Frères Lumière

68200 Mulhouse


tel: +33 389 32 94 44

fax: +33 389 32 94 49

Non-profit, community owned

Impact factor: 1.8

Submission to publication: 73 days

Copyright© 2025 – EPL Association

Non-profit, community owned

Impact factor: 1.8

Submission to publication: 73 days

European Physical Society

6, rue des Frères Lumière

68200 Mulhouse


tel: +33 389 32 94 44

fax: +33 389 32 94 49

Copyright© 2025 – EPL Association