How to submit

Online submission is recommended. Electronic submissions are accepted whereas hard-copy and fax submissions are not.

To make the refereeing process less time-consuming and avoid false starts, the authors are encouraged to provide the names and e-mail addresses of expert scientists who might be referees for their paper and/or indicate potential conflicts of interests.

Authors are asked to name three Co-Editors whom they think appropriate to handle their manuscript, according to their fields of expertise. Beside, they are also invited to join a coverletter in which they explain why they chose EPL and why their manuscript is suitable for a high-quality letters journal.

Authors are also asked to provide keywords (minimum 1 – maximum 3). The complete list of keywords is available here.

From volume 134, articles published in EPL systematically include the corresponding author’s name and email address as a footnote on the first page. See for example The details of the corresponding author will be those of the submitting author, i.e. the person who has submitted the article in the submission system of EPL. No change to these details will be possible after the acceptance of the article.

As of January 2022, EPL publishes articles under a new list of sections. These 10 sections replace the former PACS sections. The following list provides more details on the EPL sections. When you submit your article, please select the section most applicable to the topic of your article (only one section can be selected). If your paper is accepted, it will be published in the Section of your choice in an EPL issue.

  • General physics
    Includes classical and quantum physics, acoustics, special relativity, and all topics not covered elsewhere
  • Statistical physics and networks
    Includes classical and quantum thermodynamics, kinetic theory and machine learning
  • Mathematical and interdisciplinary physics
    Includes geophysics, climate, social systems, complexity
  • Fluid and nonlinear dynamics
    Includes chaos, turbulence, micro and nanofluidic
  • Nuclear and plasma physics, particles and fields
    Includes nonlinear phenomena in plasmas, particle models and particle interactions, experimental methods
  • Atomic, molecular and optical physics
    Includes classical electromagnetism and quantum optics, lasers, cold atoms and matter waves, chemical physics
  • Condensed matter and materials physics
    Includes electronic, thermodynamic and mechanical structure, magnetism, mesoscopic physics, superconductivity and topological phases
  • Biological and soft matter physics
    Includes biological complexity, rheology, granular media, polymers, phase transitions and thermodynamic properties
  • Quantum information
    Includes quantum processing, quantum computation, quantum protocols, quantum simulation, and quantum sensing
  • Gravitation, cosmology and astrophysics
    Includes general relativity, quantum gravity, dark matter, inflation, gravitational waves


Type : 

  • Letter : Concise articles reporting original research. As a guide, Letters should not generally be more than 7 journal pages in length.
  • Perspective : A perspective article is written from a personal standpoint and expresses the opinions and judgments of an eminent author on a particular topic. It may comment on a particular article as a starting point. Perspectives are normally invited by the Editorial Board.
  • Addendum : Additional information on previously published work, usually written by the original authors. Not sufficient for a new article.
  • Comment : Comment or criticism on work previously published in the journal. Usually published with associated Reply. A comment should be no more than two pages. 
  • Reply : Invited response usually from the authors whose work is criticised in the associated Comment. A reply should be no more than two pages. 
  • Erratum : A correction to a published article where an error or omission was introduced after acceptance.

EPL is a member of CrossCheck by iThenticate. iThenticate is a plagiarism screening service that verifies the originality of content submitted before publication. The iThenticate software checks submissions against millions of published research papers, documents on the web, and other relevant sources. Authors, researchers and freelancers can also use the iThenticate system to screen their work before submission by visiting


Please note that if you are submitting a new article, we only require you to upload a single PDF file (in EPL style) at this stage. This should be your complete manuscript including figures and tables (but not containing a cover letter). For file type please select ‘Complete Document for Review (PDF Only)’. Please also upload any supplementary data files such as multimedia, if you have any, and any permissions already obtained. Click the ‘Upload Files’ button (you can then see your article, which now includes line numbering, by clicking on the ‘PDF’ button). When you are finished, click ‘Save and Continue’.

For more information on preparing your manuscript, see the ‘Instructions, Forms & Policies‘ link at the top right hand corner of the site. If you experience any problems submitting your article online, please contact the journal team.


If you are submitting a revised article, please upload the latest version of your complete manuscript as a PDF file, using the file type ‘Complete Document for Review (PDF Only)’.

Please also upload the following, as ‘Source Files (incl. Word, TeX, Figures etc)’:

  • A clean version (with no highlighted changes) of your latest TeX or Doc source file.
  • All other files that were used to produce your revised article (including figure files and tables).

Please also upload the following, as ‘Supplementary Data Files (incl. Multimedia)’:

  • A PDF version of your latest manuscript, with your changes highlighted.
  • A highlighted version of your latest Tex or Doc source file. If this is a LaTeX file that has been prepared in EPL style, please use the command revision so that any changes will be highlighted in red in the PDF version. Otherwise, please use standard commands/tools to highlight your changes.

Example: revision{Text changed in this version of the manuscript}. In the pdf file, the modified text will appear in red thanks to the revision{} command.

  Text in the latex file Display in the pdf file
Original Version e=MC$^{3}$ e=MC3
Revised Version revision{E=mc{$^{2}$} E=mc2

European Physical Society

6, rue des Frères Lumière

68200 Mulhouse


tel: +33 389 32 94 44

fax: +33 389 32 94 49

Non-profit, community owned

Impact factor: 1.8

Submission to publication: 73 days

Copyright© 2025 – EPL Association

Non-profit, community owned

Impact factor: 1.8

Submission to publication: 73 days

European Physical Society

6, rue des Frères Lumière

68200 Mulhouse


tel: +33 389 32 94 44

fax: +33 389 32 94 49

Copyright© 2025 – EPL Association