Agreement with other journals

EPL made an agreement of mutual transfer of manuscripts with Journal of Physics (J. Phys.), the European Physical Journal (EPJ), Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG), Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (PPCF), Plasma Sources Science and Technology (PSST), Physica Scripta, Journal of Optics, Nanotechnology, New Journal of Physics (NJP), Nonlinearity, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Superconductor Science and Technology, Materials Research Express.

This agreement enables an article submitted to a participating journal (including EPL), which is scientifically acceptable but would be more suitable for submission to a different participating journal, to be transferred along with the related peer review material but the article would retain the original date of submission to the transferring journal.

Articles of high quality that do not meet the criteria for EPL may be eligible for transfer to a more specialised participating journal. Likewise, a participating journal may deem a submitted letter-type article more fitting for consideration by a letters journal with a broader scope and transfer the manuscript to EPL.

The agreement is designed to allow transfer in either direction and respects the editorial independence of all the journals involved.

Authors are expected to take account of the differing format, layout, structure, and length limitations before transferring a manuscript to a different journal.

Authors may only benefit from this agreement on the recommendation of a Co-Editor or Editor of the journal where the initial submission was made.

Authors should submit their (revised) article formally to the journal to which they want the article to be transferred, including responses to any referee(s) comments, mentioning previous consideration by the journal of initial submission. Specifically for transfers from EPL the manuscript reference number should be included. To be considered under this scheme the revised manuscript should be submitted within 4 months after the date of rejection.
The collaborating journal will then request a transfer of the submission date and all referee reports. On that basis, the Editor of the collaborating journal will either make a decision or may contact new referees for further judgment.
An article can be transferred only once.

For more information on EPJ, please see:

For more information on CQG, please see:

For more information on PPCF, please see:

For more information on PSST, please see:

For more information on Physica Scripta, please see:

For more information on Journal of Optics, please see:

For more information on Nonlinearity, please see:

For more information on Semiconductor Science and Technology, please see:

For more information on Superconductor Science and Technology, please see:

For more information on Materials Research Express, please see:

European Physical Society

6, rue des Frères Lumière

68200 Mulhouse


tel: +33 389 32 94 44

fax: +33 389 32 94 49

Non-profit, community owned

Impact factor: 1.8

Submission to publication: 73 days

Copyright© 2025 – EPL Association

Non-profit, community owned

Impact factor: 1.8

Submission to publication: 73 days

European Physical Society

6, rue des Frères Lumière

68200 Mulhouse


tel: +33 389 32 94 44

fax: +33 389 32 94 49

Copyright© 2025 – EPL Association